Barbara Adams to represent Progressive Conservatives in Eastern Passage

EASTERN PASSAGE, NS – Barbara Adams will be the Progressive Conservative candidate for Eastern Passage in the next provincial election.

First elected in 2017, Adams has worked tirelessly for the people of Eastern Passage and has delivered concrete results to fix what was broken in the constituency, including:

  • A new healthcare centre called the Collaborative Family Practice Clinic which includes  the addition of a second clinical nurse practitioner and mental health services.

  • New nursing home for Ocean View Continuing Care Centre.

  • $217,000 for the Fishermans Cove Development Association.

  • $40,000 for the Eastern Passage Legion to complete essential renovations to its  kitchen. 

  • $20,000 towards the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force Gala at Canadian Forces Base in Shearwater.

“I am pleased to be the candidate for the next election with Premier Tim Houston’s PC team,” said Adams. “I have witnessed our Houston government’s dedication to helping residents in Eastern Passage as we build up our province and I can’t wait to see what more our government can do.”

Adams won elections in 2017 and 2021. She is the Minister of Justice, Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care, and Minister of Military Relations.

“Barbara puts her heart and soul into everything she does,” said Premier Houston. “Her extraordinary compassion makes her a key member of our PC team.”

The Houston government is improving the lives of Nova Scotians by hiring more doctors, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals, lowering taxes by indexing tax brackets, and investing in our seniors with the Seniors Care Grant.