Churchill and Chender Must Denounce Trudeau's Small Business Tax Grab

HALIFAX, N.S. - PC leader Tim Houston said Zach Churchill and Claudia Chender must denounce Trudeau’s blatant small business tax grab.

“We’ve just learned that the Trudeau government plans to tax the carbon tax rebate it sends to small businesses,” said Houston. “Small businesses are struggling because of the Trudeau carbon tax - now they won’t even keep their full rebate because of the Trudeau government.”

The Trudeau-Churchill Liberals are no help for small business, said Houston.

“When the Trudeau carbon tax increases, small businesses will be under continued pressure,” said Houston. 

Houston said Liberals are just offering different versions of a carbon tax and that they are hoping Nova Scotians won’t notice the difference.

“Churchill plans to place a price on carbon that will drive up the cost of gasoline by nearly 30 cents per litre,” said Houston. “That’s not a better deal for Nova Scotians.”

Houston said that will drive up costs for small businesses.

“We cut taxes for small businesses and individual Nova Scotians,” said Houston. “I’m laser-focused on making life more affordable by cutting income taxes, sales taxes, and small business taxes.”

Houston said NDP leader Claudia Chender opposed tax cuts at every turn.

“Claudia opposed our sales tax cut,” said Houston. “Nova Scotians shouldn’t be surprised - the last NDP government increased the HST, making everything more expensive.”