More care, faster, at NS pharmacies: Houston Government delivers new care clinics

Premier Tim Houston's PC Government is deliver more care, faster, at pharmacies across Nova Scotia.

More healthcare services will be offered at 12 pharmacies across the province as part of the Community Pharmacy Primary Care Clinics program. Pharmacists will have dedicated time to see patients with common illnesses and people who are on medications for chronic diseases like diabetes, and cardiovascular and lung disease. They will also provide care for strep throat, including testing, diagnosis and treatment, something that has not been available through pharmacies previously.

Helping pharmacists do more will help keep people out of the emergency departments across Nova Scotia, reducing the load on the system, and provide access to care, faster.

The pharmacies under this pilot will receive additional funding for providing added care, including assessing and prescribing for 31 minor ailments such as minor joint and muscle pains, eczema, cold sores and heartburn.

The complete list of services and information on booking appointments are available at: