John A MacDonald to represent Progressive Conservatives in Hants East

EAST HANTS - John A. MacDonald is the nominated Progressive Conservative candidate for Hants East.

First elected in 2021, MacDonald has served the people of Hants East, delivering real solutions to fix what was broken by the previous government, including: 

  • More than $4.7 million towards wastewater collection upgrades in Lantz, rebalancing wastewater flows by extending forcemain lines for future growth;
  • Over $35,000 to support Maitland & District Volunteer Fire Department;
  • More than $22,000 to the Rainbow Community Club in Kennetcook, helping the organization complete vital roof repairs to its building;
  • Supporting Rising Tide New Horizons Group replace their building’s windows and paint the kitchen at its facility in Noel;
  • $35,000 towards building new pickleball courts for Enfield, Elmsdale & District Lions Club in Enfield; and
  • Over $2.9 million for sewer upgrades on Highway 214, a project that will split the wastewater flows from both Enfield and Elmsdale.

“I am grateful that the people of Hants East placed their trust in me and I never take it for granted,” MacDonald said. “I have worked hard to deliver solutions and I look forward to building on that success.” 

MacDonald is the Chair of Private and Local Bills and Health committees of the Legislature. In addition, he serves as a member of the standing committees on Human Resources and Public Accounts. He is the Party Whip for the PC Caucus. Before becoming MLA, MacDonald was a small business owner, a volunteer firefighter and dedicated municipal councilor.

“John A. is a consummate team player who is generous with his time,” Premier Houston said. “Just like the people of Hants East, I know I can always count on him.”

Supporting 14 volunteer fire departments with investments of $20,000 each, MacDonald and the Houston government are committed to helping residents stay safe and protected.

The Houston government is improving the lives of Nova Scotians by hiring more doctors, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals, lowering taxes by indexing tax brackets, and investing in our seniors with the Seniors Care Grant.