Our Mission


Progressive Conservatives see a Nova Scotia that is an economic, social and environmental leader for others in the world to follow.



Our mission as Progressive Conservatives is to form a fiscally responsible, socially progressive government that promotes individual achievement and personal responsibility, is accountable to its citizens, listens to its people, embraces innovation, preserves the best of our unique heritage and diverse cultures and learns from the past.



  • Responsibility – defining good government as one that lives within its means and whose leaders spend a tax dollar as if it were their own
  • Accountability – expecting governments at all levels to answer to the people for the decisions they have made
  • Entrepreneurship – providing a climate where our best and brightest can succeed through hard work and initiative
  • Self-Reliance – supporting people who are able to help themselves become independent
  • Compassion – caring for those in society who, through no fault of their own, need support
  • Stewardship – passing on a natural environment to future generations that is the same or better than the one we inherited
  • Patriotism – taking pride in our cultures, our communities and our province as part of a strong, united Canada
  • Respect – treating all citizens equally, regardless of ability, race, gender, religion, language, First Nations status, marital status and/or sexual orientation



Click here to read the Party's constitution.


Code of Conduct

Click here to read the Party's code of conduct.