Tom Taggart to represent Progressive Conservatives in Colchester North

COLCHESTER NORTHTom Taggart will be the Progressive Conservative candidate for Colchester North in the next election.

Since becoming MLA in 2021, Taggart has been a powerful voice for Colchester North and all of rural Nova Scotia, delivering solutions to fix what the Liberals broke, such as: 

  • $425,000 to the Portapique Community Hall and Legacy Fund, helping complete improvements to the hall, finalize infrastructure, and provide operating funds for four years as part of the response from the Mass Casualty Commission.

  • $50,000 for insulation upgrades to Tatamagouche Centre (Atlantic Christian Training Centre).

  • Over $31,000 to support washroom entrance upgrades at Creamery Square Heritage Centre.

  • $32,550 to complete important upgrades to the Earltown Community Centre and Kemptown Community Centre buildings.

  • Over $16,000 to install heat pumps at Bayhead Community Hall and Brule Community Centre.

  • Valley Kemptown and District Fire Brigade and Colchester Ground Search and Rescue Association each received nearly $41,000 to purchase a generator to support their operations as comfort centers.

  • $75,000 to help construct a building and purchase a boat for water rescues for Five Island and District Fire Brigade.

“There is incredible potential in rural Nova Scotia and Tim Houston’s PC government recognizes and encourages that potential,” Taggart said. “It is an absolute honour to represent the people of Colchester North as we build up Nova Scotia.”

Taggart is the Vice Chair of the Private and Local Bills committee and a member of the Community Services, Public Accounts, and Veterans Affairs committees of the Legislature. Before joining the PC team, Taggart was a municipal councilor for the Municipality of Colchester.

“The people of Colchester North have a fierce advocate in Tom Taggart,” said Premier Houston. “When he speaks at the PC Caucus table, it is always with the best interests of his constituents at heart. He is a valuable team member.”

With investments of $20,000 each in nine volunteer fire departments, Taggart has supported fire operations and services in Colchester North, protecting infrastructure and keeping residents safe.

The Houston government is improving the lives of Nova Scotians by hiring more doctors, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals, lowering taxes by indexing tax brackets, and investing in our seniors with the Seniors Care Grant.