July 25, 2021: Our Solutions for Nova Scotians

This week, we released our platform titled “Solutions for Nova Scotians.” Take a read here and please share! These are common sense, fully costed solutions that will set our province on a path to be the best it’s ever been.

We will recruit doctors and rebuild the economy, update the education curriculum to focus on environmental stewardship, financial literacy, and diversity teaching, and enact the toughest environmental penalties in Canada for individual and corporate littering.

Healthcare is the issue in this election, but for too many Nova Scotians, the problems don’t stop there. We have put together solutions to problems that have been ignored over the last eight years.

No one cuts their way out of an economic downturn.

Have you noticed that the Liberals refuse to talk about healthcare? Even though 70,000 Nova Scotians are without access to primary care, paramedics are sounding the alarms with code criticals in every region across the province, what appears to be a significant backlog in cancer diagnosis and care because of the pandemic, worse-than-ever nursing shortage, and multiple chronic ER closures across the province.

They don’t want to talk about healthcare because it’s them, the Liberals, who have been in power for eight years that have contributed to this mess in healthcare.

Alright, I need to get back to knocking on doors, but I wanted to take a minute and send you an update.

Thank you for all your continued support - it means the world.

Until next week,