Brian Wong
Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank
Minister of Advanced Education
Minister responsible for L'nu Affairs
Brian has worked in the Nova Scotia education system as both a teacher and principal since 1995, and has owned and operated several businesses since 1987. He holds Master's degrees in business and education, and will work hard listening to the priorities of Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank.
He loves the lifestyle we can enjoy in Nova Scotia, and wants to work to preserve and improve it for the future. He is interested in providing the best opportunities possible for economic, social and environmental success in the community.
Having lived in Lakeview for eight years and Fall River for 10, Brian and his family have found a community that they will always call home. His son Jacob is looking forward to graduating from Lockview High School next year.
Brian believes in:
- Building and sustaining AFFORDABLE housing — especially for seniors
- Creating a safe ENVIRONMENT to be enjoyed by the community without worries of illness, with transparency around our environment, lakes and waterways
- The importance of COMMUNITY infrastructure: an EHS Hub, a mental health drop-in facility, a turf field or recreational facility in Beaver Bank, Waverley, or Fall River