Diverse Communities Committee

The diverse communities committee is a standing committee of the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia.

We are committed to help guide the Progressive Conservative Party to be reflective of the modern societal makeup of Nova Scotia, inclusive and respectful of all demographic, cultural and ethnic diversities to advance our collective growth and prosperity.

For more than 60 years the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia has been a champion of human rights in our province.

We have a history that each of us can be proud to promote.

It is a history that we should know, we should honour and we should share.



Download our full brochure here.


Learn about our party's history here.


Becoming A Candidate

Are you making a difference in your community? Are you ready to be part of a team that makes a difference, and represents ALL Nova Scotians?  Have you thought about being an MLA who can influence a better tomorrow?  Here’s how…

  1. Talk with your family, friends and colleagues about your intention to enter politics and get their honest feedback.
  2. Chat with a wider circle of people to determine how much support you would have during the election for MLA. If you feel confident that this is the right time for you to seek the nomination, here’s what you should do next ⬇️
  3. Become a member of the PC Party at https://4pc.pcparty.ns.ca/page/pcpartyjoin.aspx
  4. Contact the Director of Field Operations & Candidate Support, Paula Henderson, at [email protected] to discuss what’s involved.
  5. Request a PC Party of Nova Scotia Candidate Disclosure and Agreement Package from, and return it to the Director of Field Operations & Candidate Support.
  6. Reach out to your constituency’s Candidate Search Committee to introduce yourself. They may want to meet to have a chat with you.
  7. Once the nomination process in your constituency opens, prospective candidates have 21 days to submit a candidate package to seek the nomination.
  8. If you’re the only person who has been approved when the nomination process closes, you are automatically the candidate!
  9. If more than one person is seeking the nomination there will be a contested nomination to determine who becomes the candidate in your constituency. To win the nomination, you must sell PC Party memberships in your constituency and get over 50% of the members to vote for you.
  10. For more information on the nomination process, check out the So You Want to be a Candidate booklet, or contact Paula at [email protected]